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How to Ace your Audition

I know what your thinking, I'm sorry. AAh! I know there was no post last weekend, I was just caught up with so much school work and I had my show all weekend. Please forgive me! Anyways, today I will be sharing with you some tips and tricks on how to ace your audition, or at least improve.

So one major thing I want to share, is that if you feel stupid, don't worry, it looks good. I mean, obviously if your doing some crazy, outlandish thing then that's a different story. What I mean is, if your really truly getting into character and being loud, if you need to be or flailing your arms dramatically, because that's the character's attitude, then keep doing it. Think about it, a director is more likely to notice someone who is really acting like the part rather than someone who is just readin the side and just singing the song. I remember when I did Once Upon a Mattress, I was getting fed up with getting ensemble, so I decided to tell myself not to chicken out and to just get in character. So, when I stood in front of everyone to audition, I acted as the crazy character I was auditioning for. I spoke loudly, used dramatic effects, like my character. Guess what? I got the part! So just remember this when your auditioning.

I want to address audition clothing because I feel like pwople can get really confused with what to wear to an audition. It's good to dress nice. A casual dress with some easy to move in shoes. If there is a lot of dancing in your rehearsal, I recommend going with something easier to move in. What I like to do, is wear colors and prints that resemble something the character I'm auditioning for would wear. For example, If your trying out for cinderella, maybe wear something light blue. Nothing crazy, like a costume, but maybe a light blue tee shirt or dress. I find that this helps the casting director visualize you as that character. But definitely wear something that shows that you care about this audition. So no sweatpants, messy buns, old sweatshirts, etc.

If your getting a cold reading, then I suggest that you ignore any peers or friends that are with you. I know this might sound a little cold, but just politely tell them that you need time to look at your side. You need to be able to run threw your mind how you want to say your lines and how you want to present yourself. It's important to have that time to yourslef to use wisely. I'm sure if you are polite and respectful, your peers won't mind if you need some time to yourself to rehearse. It's very critical and important to be prepared and that can be hard, especially when your getting a cold reading,

Thanks for reading friends and I hope you use these tips during your future auditions. I have an audition this coming Tuesday, so I will definitely be thinking about these tricks during it. Have a fabulous week friends.


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