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How to Survive Tech Week!

Happy Sunday friends,

Hope you had a happy weekend. So, this week is tech week for the show I am in, Charlotte's Web. I figured it would be a cool idea to share with you all some tips and tricks I've used to survive this week in the past. Because, as we all know, tech week is craziness with no sleep and little food. Okay, maybe not that bad, but still! Also, yesterday marked our 1 month anniversary of starting West End Way! Yay! Let's hope this website flourishes into a great place. Anyways, let's read the tips!

I would like to start off by talking about what to pack with you during tech rehearsals. It is necessary to pack food with you. I would reccomend some kind of dinner, like a sandwich or something nonparishable. Then, ofcourse lots of snacks to share with your cast backstage. (When your a theatre kid, YOUR food is never really YOURS.) So, any kind of tasty snacks that you like would be good. Obviously, pack any costume pieces that you need from home, i.e, tights, dance shoes, hair pieces etc. Another smart thing to pack is an activity to do while your offstage. The hours of a tech rehearsal can drag on while your offstage and the director stops the rehearsal for notes. So, its good to pack a book, headphones, a deck of cards or even a notebook and markers. If you have one, don't forget your phone and charger as well, to keep in touch with your parents or guardians!

One really important thing to do during tech week is to make sure your getting enough sleep and just chill out. Even though it may not seem like it, you'll always have atleast a half hour to lay down and debrief a little, so take advantage of that. Don't go to bed too late, you'll regret it later. Eat good, big meals in the morning to keep you going through the day. Tech rehearsals are long and tiring but if you sleep enough and eat well, I promise, you will feel a lot better!

Although tech week is tiring, there are some perks to it, like, being with your friends and making memories, so try to make the best out of it! Here are some life hacks to help you get through the week!

1- Use tea bags on your eyes to get rid of under eye bags and circles

2- If your breaking out from all the makeup, use toothpaste on the blemish overnight

3- If your overwhelmed by nerves, use this trick tocalm you down, breathe in your nose for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 and breathe out your mouth for 8 seocnds

4- If your shoes are getting smelly, put a bar of soap in them overnight to mask the odor

5- If you can't get up in the morning, put your alarm clock away from your bed, so you have to get up to turn it off

6- Keep your bobby pins in a tic tac container so you don't loose them

7-Put a piece of masking tape on your hanger and write your name

8- Put transluscent powder over your lipstick to make it matte

9- Honey and tea are good for sore throats

10- You never have too many bottles of hairpsray!!!

Thanks for reading! Good luck and let me know if you use these!


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